
明树数据ceo担任rics 国际工程投资与建造峰会主席,关注中国企业“走出去”




rics(royal institution of chartered surveyors)皇家特许测量师学会有150年历史,是全球广泛认可的专业机构,在全球148个国家推广与执行土地、房地产、建造、和基础建设领域的评估、管理和开发方面的最高国际标准,拥有14万多会员。rics在中国目前设有北京、上海、深圳、重庆四个办事处,拥有国内会员近1000人。



11月9日,由皇家特许测量师学会(rics)主办的“rics 国际工程投资与建造峰会暨一带一路交流晚宴”在北京隆重举行,明树数据ceo兼国际项目融资协会ipfa亚洲区理事肖光睿先生担任峰会主席主持了此次峰会,并发表了题为《一带一路ppp项目和环境风险评估》的主题演讲。







rics infrastructure investment and construction summit & belt and road gala was held in beijing on nov. 9th. this summit is the third time for rics to hold an industry discussion of this topic, with a total attendance of more than 300 industry professionals. as the government has been intensifying and promoting more relevant policies, the business situation faced by china construction companies in overseas market is changing fast. the summit encouraged to share case studies about investment opportunities in belt & road strategy, investment and finance management, ppp practices for international construction projections, international movement of china’s quantity surveying companies and risk management for overseas projects. it also strived to create more cooperation possibilities for government departments, international industry organizations, international finance organizations, general contractors, property developers, quantity surveying companies, law firms, accounting firms and insurance agencies. rics believes that close communication and cooperation within this industry help to enhance chinese companies’ international influence and competencies.


此外,本次峰会吸引了众多重量级嘉宾,来自英国国际贸易部的公使衔参赞史云森先生、中国对外承包工商协会会长房秋晨先生、秘书长张湘女士、天津大学国际工商管理学院副院长王沛先生、亚洲基础设施投资银行投资运营部najeeb haider先生、snc-兰万灵阿特金斯首席投资顾问simon spooner先生、aecom大中华区执行总裁钟小平先生、北京大成律师事务所不动产与能源专业委员会主任袁华之律师、天职工程咨询股份有限公司董事长陈永宏先生、凯谛思执行董事邹春明先生等先后从各自的专业领域出发,与来宾们分享了当前的国际趋势与先进案例。大家一致认为,在“一带一路”战略布局的推动下,中国的工程企业已在世界各地的基础设施建设项目中取得了不俗成绩。但随着“走出去”的步伐持续深入,这些企业必然要在未来更多地与来自欧美的先进商业模式、司法系统、行业规则发生碰撞。除了总结现有的项目工程经验,需要更长远的目光和海纳百川的胸怀,从体制改革、审批流程、行业规则、项目管理、合同管理全面缩小与欧美国家的差距。


this summit attracts many powerful speakers, including mr. stephen ellison (minister-counsellor and director for energy, british embassy beijing), mr. fang qiuchen (president of china foreign contractors association), mrs. zhang xiang (secretary of china foreign contractors association), mr. xiao guangrui (asia regional council of international projects finance association), mr. wang pei (vice president, school of international business management, tianjin university), mr. najeeb haider (investment & operation division, asia infrastructure investment bank), mr. simon spooner (chief investment advisor, snc-lavalin), mr. zhong xiaoping (executive president, aecom, greater china), mr. yuan huazhi (president of real estate and energy specialized committee, dentons law firm), mr. chen yonghong (chairman, tianzhi consulting), mr. zou chunming (executive director, arcadis) etc. all speakers expressed their professional views on international trends and shared their case studies and experiences. it is agreed that, motivated by “belt & road” strategic layout, china construction companies has achieved remarkable performances in infrastructure projects around the world. as companies intensify their going-out, however, they will absolutely confront with differences between china and european & american developed countries in aspects like business models, judicial system and industry standards etc. besides learning from experiences of current construction projects, we need a long-term vision and a heart to embrace all things, and eventually narrow the gap with european & american countries in structural reform, approval process, industry standards, project management and contract management.


作为国际领先的土地、房地产、基础设施及建筑业专业机构,rics致力于为行业搭建国际化的交流与合作平台。rics十分期待新的商业模式能够有助于中国企业在“走出去”的道路上看得长远,行得顺利。此次峰会还吸引了来自国家发改委、中国港口、中国建筑、中国电建、michael page、晨越建管以及德勤的20多位重磅演讲嘉宾。rics相信,密切的行业交流能够保持各方的信息透明及共享,更好地推动中国建造行业、工程咨询行业快速与国际接轨,持续推动行业健康发展。


as the world's leading professional body for qualifications and standards in land, property, infrastructure and construction, rics is dedicated to establishing an international platform for exchange and cooperation in the industry. rics expects new business model will help chinese enterprises build a long-term vision on their going-out movement and keep a steady pace. this summit also attracted more than 20 distinguished speakers from national development and reform commission, china construction engineering corp., china port investment ltd., china electric construction group international engineering co., ltd., michael page, chenyue project consulting, deloitte.rics believes that close industry discussion will keep information transparency and sharing. in this way, china construction environment and construction consultation can act on international conventions quickly and healthy development of the industry can be continuously promoted.

